Plastics Manufacturer

August 01, 2023

Outcome in Brief

  • Ensured a more diversified workforce by widening recruitment areas
  • Recruited temporary hires to meet the needs of variable production lines
  • Streamlined HR management and reduced overhead expenditure
  • Enabled efficient management of a growing temp to hire workforce
  • Established a dedicated Headway representative on site


The client experienced a high turnover of staff and a difficulty accommodating their workforce to the ebb and flow of variable production lines. With the acquisition of a new manufacturing plant and the need for a significant influx of workers, the company’s HR was overburdened by the task of recruitment and the increased cost of management.


The Headway Vendor on Premise (VOP) closely managed a fluctuating workforce to meet the changing needs of the client, enabling them to meet the demands of variable production lines with maximum efficiency. The VOP facilitated a comprehensive understanding of client requirements, a rapid response to on-site issues, and enabled the client HR to focus exclusively on their full-time employees. This arrangement minimized the loss of productivity, supported significant manufacturing growth, and assured the client of a reliable, diversified workforce when and where they needed it. product promotions, Headway was able to accommodate the additional personnel needed for the endeavor.


The client required a workforce that efficiently adapted to its changing contractual needs, and a streamlined HR that could focus exclusively on its full-time employees. Headway’s solution for this client was to provide a dedicated VOP who could utilize the resources of Headway’s proprietary database of over 2 million candidates and job seekers to accommodate fluctuating demand. This Headway representative managed all aspects of temporary hire—from recruitment, background checks, drug screenings, training and HR administration, to payroll, tax filings, and Workers’ Compensation. This partnership enabled the client to expand production, acquire new contracts and efficiently fill them, as well as reduce their labor costs and insurance overheads. The VOP has now been in successful operation for over thirteen years, assisting the client to efficiently and economically meet the variable demands of production.